13 March, 2013

Improving Memory

Do you have a problem remembering facts? Does that one answer just elude you for minutes, hours, days, weeks? You get into the exam and are so worried that you forget everything. Although you know it you may just be stressed out causing your memory to cloud. Here are a few simple tips for you to do in an exam or any situation to recall the facts.

Tip #1: Relax

When we are stressed out our bodies release a hormone that will affect our ability to recall facts, figures or memories. This hormone acts like a cloud on our memory, slowing down recall which will frustrate us even more making the recall process harder. There are a few simple things you can do to relax yourself:

  1. Deep breathing: focus on each breath, holding for about 3-5 seconds. Repeat this until you feel that you can focus and that the stress hormone has lowered.
  2. Stretching: this will disperse the hormones around your body, loosen muscles and getting you ready for some serious writing. In an exam close your eyes, stretch your arms up right above your head and bring them down behind your ears, pushing your shoulders right back.

Tip #2: Cast your mind back, picturing any details your remember

Warm your brain up. I know this sounds a bit strange but it works, think back to when you were writing your study notes, try and recall what you wrote, drew etc. Think how you felt when you were writing up your notes and the examples that you were thinking about and any acronyms that may of thought of for recall. This will prepare you for writing the major facts to answer your exam questions.

Tip #3: Pretend to be an onlooker

Think that you were listening to yourself read out the notes. Memory can be blocked by strong emotions, such as stress or fear. Watch yourself in your mind writing the notes, remember the paper and any sample questions that your given.

Tip #4: Be flexible with your memory

You can think backwards, forwards, above, below or freeze frame. Let your memory recall the facts the way it needs to, don't restrict yourself to exactly how your notes or the order of your readings were done in. Simply try and recall what was written and how it applies to the question.

Tip #5: Don't Rush yourself

Yes this is hard to say in an exam situation, but set your time limits before you go into the exam. Know that for Part A you will spend 20 minutes per questions, for example. Do the administrative tasks of an exam before your even get to the exam, such as setting time limits and having your student card 
pre-signed to save time, giving you more time to focus on your exam questions. If you feel that you can't answer a question leave it and come back later. Write and highlight yourself a note of the questions you need to come back to so you do not forget about them, make sure it is somewhere you will see when you finish the other questions, such as the front cover of the exam paper.

I hope you will find these tips. Good luck with exams and study.

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