17 September, 2012

Time organisation

Organising your time is the most important thing you ever have to do.

Ever crammed for an exam? The most stressful and unfulfilling thing that I have ever done whilst studying is cramming. The funny thing is it is something that most of us can avoid, we just keep putting it off and putting it off until the exam is upon us, that's when good time management comes into play.
With effective time management skills you can avoid the end of semester stress and anxiety because you would of been studying all the way through the semester.

Keeping assignments under control is big for me. Try to get them done before the due date, set a new due date for yourself so you have a goal to work for. Focus on one section at a time.

Before you start working make a plan of how you will approach your assignment. Do a mind map or timesheet of what you will be doing within each time slot. Make this plan flexible as you never know what extrenualting circumstances may arise.

Gathering information is important to successful assignments, so plan ahead and set time aside for this so when it comes time to write up you have it all ready. Google scholar is a good resource for university study, find your university or college library in scholar preferences so you don't have to pay for any resources. Failing that USE YOUR TEXTBOOK, if you have one. People have been using books for centuries, they have the information you need don't discard that knowledge.

That is all for this post. I hope you find it useful. Just remember these tips for planning assignments:

    • Read the question and decide what it is asking.
    • Write out a plan of attack.
    • Set a date, before it is due to finish.
    • Give yourself a break every now and then.
    • Find information and write!

24 April, 2012

Using Flashcards

Flashcards are a good tool for study. They can be used to help study for tests, exams, assessments etc. There needs to be a fine balance between size and content of flashcards. A good size would be about 10cm by 5cm. This size always good writing space with minimal distraction or clutter. Clutter creates a diversion, detracting from the meaning and purpose in the cards, as does distraction with too much blank space. Dot point form is best, not too much clutter with paragraphs of information, but not too distracting with heaps of blank space.

It is a good idea to have each topic in a different colour, allowing better organisation and ease of studying. You can cut them out of paper or an empty cereal box. You can divide each subject or topic by putting holes in a corner and connecting the cards to a key ring, piece of string etc.

When you start writing out your notes on the cards put main points not entire chapters because you won't need that much to pass, the flahcards serve just as a reminder or memory jogger. On one side of the card put a question or syllabus point, on the other a few main points that will eventually stick in your mind after going over and over them. Once these points are memorised you can think of sub-points that may go under each point, creating the body of an essay or report. Write these sub-points out on a separate piece of paper or other flashcards to go over and memorises.

The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook
William James

20 April, 2012

The importance of effective study

The first stage in effective study is having a clear work space. Avoid clutter and distractions, try to make it a neutral space which will encourage and enhance your study ability. Make everything you need accessible, such as pens, pencils, highlighters etc. When everything is easily accessible it will give you more time to concentrate on your work.

When you begin your study you should develop a timetable, this will help you organise your time and become a more efficient studyer. A study timetable will outline the blocks of time that you have to study and what you will study in these blocks. To determine your most effective study time there are two basic rules that you should follow.

- Firstly: Know your study time. Each person has an individual study time, this is the time that you can concentrate and study most effectively without everything becoming just a blur of information. There is a simple technique that you can use to determine your study time. First you find your space, it can be anywhere you can concentrate be it your desk or the kitchen table. Prepare yourself for study and begin, you'll need a stop watch or clock to time how long your study block will be. Study until you feel that it is enough, look at how long that study block was, that is how big the blocks in your timetable should be. Try to make them at least 15 minutes, this helps your brain to retain more.
- Second: Know your break time. It is important for you to break between each study session, this helps your mind digest the information so you can keep it stored in your long term memory. An acceptable break time would be around 10 minutes, ths gives you time to go for a quick walk, have a bite to eat or get another glass of water.

Please remember that you study time should be more than your break time.

Another way of organising your study is by setting up an assessment grid. This grid will have your subjects down the vertical and the term dates for the beginning and end of each week along horizontal. In the boxes you put the assessment detailing the due date and how much it is worth of your overall assessment mark. This will help your to organise what needs to get done first, utilising your time more effectively. Plus you will get quiet a buz from crossing off each assessment as you do them.

Another key is good study is setting personal goals and dates for those goals. By setting dates to have work done in will be a big help for you in using your time economically. For example setting dates you want assignments to be done by, setting how long it should take you to finish one topic etc. If you don't meet these goals don't panic and most importantly DO NOT GIVE UP!!! Stay motivated at all times.

Motivation is the key to success, success is the key to peace and happiness